Ondas do mar
São 18h30... Acabei de as deitar.
Hoje foi um daqueles dias em que parecia que o mundo me ia engolir... As birras não paravam e as horas no relógio não andavam.
Nova virose, mais ligeira é certo, mais febre, mais queixumes de mau estar e eu cansada exausta.
Adoro ser mãe, não trocava por nada! Mas tem dias (ou horas...) em que simplesmente precisamos de respirar fundo num silêncio tal que nos permita ouvir-nos. Sentir que existimos para além de todas as tarefas, pensar que amanhã vai ser um dia bom, acreditar que ainda somos capazes de mais e melhor.
Hoje, se estivesse em Portugal, talvez fosse um daqueles dias que ia até à praia e enquanto elas corriam na areia ou simplesmente apanhavam ar, eu olhava para a imensidão do mar e me perdia na sua simplicidade e na sua grandeza.
Tal qual a maternidade. Tem dias em que as ondas do mar balançam levemente e nos mostram todo o seu fundo, outros, mais impestuosos, em que as ondas revolvem a areia da praia num espectáculo de fúria.
Faz parte, são ciclos, todos eles necessários e inevitáveis.
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Setembro 2017 / September 2017 |
It's 6:30 pm ... I just laid them down.
Today was one of those days that seemed the world was going to swallow me... Non-stop tantrums and the hours on the clock did not go.
New virus, milder, but more fever, more complaints of ill-being and myselftired exhausted.
I love being a mother, and I would not trade for anything in the world! But there are days (or hours ...) when we simply need to take a deep breath in such a silence that allows us to hear ourselves. To feel that we exist beyond all the tasks, to think that tomorrow will be a good day, to believe that we are still capable of more and better.
Today was one of those days that seemed the world was going to swallow me... Non-stop tantrums and the hours on the clock did not go.
New virus, milder, but more fever, more complaints of ill-being and myself
I love being a mother, and I would not trade for anything in the world! But there are days (or hours ...) when we simply need to take a deep breath in such a silence that allows us to hear ourselves. To feel that we exist beyond all the tasks, to think that tomorrow will be a good day, to believe that we are still capable of more and better.
Today, if I were in Portugal, it might be one of those days that I went to the beach and while they ran in the sand or just get some air, I would look at the immensity of the sea and lost my self in its simplicity and greatness.
Just like motherhood. There are days when the ocean waves sway slightly and show us all their background, others, more impetuous, in which the waves revolve the sand of the beach in a spectacle of fury.
It's part. They are cycles, all of them necessary and inevitable.
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